Cyclone of the Week
May 2

Mr. Matthias nominated Keaton Mallicoat and said, "Keaton is always on time, respectful, and encourages his fellow classmates. Keaton is a great example for following class and school expectations. "
Mr. Feldcamp nominated Brooklyn Hadl and said "Brooklyn has been a great TA and brought a lot of positivity to our Advisory class. She is always willing to do all of the activities and quick to volunteer to help others."
April 25
Mr. Matthia nominated Destiny Taylor and said, "Destiny exhibits exactly what an Ottawa High student should be. From her moral character to her trustworthiness, she shows overall compassion for her fellow students ."
Mrs. Harness nominated Trevaun Taylor-Gray and said "I really appreciate Trevaun's work habits - he sticks with each topic until he has it mastered, and asks plenty of questions when he needs to. Willing to spend Cyclone Hour working, and also help others!"

April 18

Mr. Stoddard nominated Ava Thompson and said, "She is such a bright ray of sunshine for my last class of the day - always positive and a good role model to all in class!"
Mr. Tkaczyk nominated Collin Finch and said "He is a leader among his peers, his attitude is positive and contagious."
April 11
Kelly Whittaker nominated Erin Smith and said, "Erin always has a smile on her face. She does an outstanding job representing Ottawa High School both inside and outside of the classroom. Erin's passion for OHS comes through as she gives different groups tours of our spaces. She is a true leader!"
Mrs. Lilley nominated Aiden Demoret and said "Aiden comes into Metals II every day determined to learn. He perseveres no matter how difficult the project may be. He has a great attitude towards his academics. Classmates often look to him for help. "

April 4

Brett Butler nominated Jacob Aber and said, "I selected Jacob due to his strong drive and willingness to get better in concert band class. He has always been very helpful about taking care of equipment and making sure everything is put back and stored away appropriately. He has a good attitude in class! Keep it up Jacob!!"
Dennis Vigna nominated Jazzamine Worley and said "Jazzamine shows up each day with a willingness and desire to learn. She continues to have a positive attitude each day we are in class. Jazzamine actively participates in classroom discussions and encourages students around her to achieve their best."
March 28
Spencer Feldcamp nominated Cole Erwin and said "Cole has done an amazing job of leading his group during Algebra class and working hard to find solutions to challenging problems. He always shows up with a positive attitude and never complains. I appreciate the example he is setting for his peers."
Cindy Harness nominated Addyson Brown and said "Addyson can always be counted on in class to offer a thought on a tough math problem, or to work through a whole lot of steps and share her thoughts with others. Always willing to try a new concept - and ask questions!"

March 21

Dennis Vigna nominated Samuel Fields and said "Samuel has demonstrated a positive attitude this year during each class for College US History. Samuel has demonstrated a will to learn and advance his knowledge of each topic we cover in class. Samuel is always willing to work with others in the class to complete objectives related to the class. Samuel is always willing to contribute to class discussions to further his understanding of the subject as well as the understanding of others in the class."
Jessica Johnson nominated Molly Atchley and said "Molly stepped in to help when we needed extra help in the office. She is always willing to pitch in and has a great attitude."
March 7
Ms. Coen nominated Tyler Maxwell and said "Tyler stepped up and took charge of helping with the Mobile Food Pantry while I was sick. He has been a great asset to our school and particularly my class all year."
Mr. Phillips nominated Erin Livingston and said "Erin has demonstrated a willingness to be at the forefront of any activity or program that she is involved in. She is an outstanding leader that is making a positive difference in many programs at OHS."

February 28

Mr. Tkaczyk nominated Isaiah Herrera and said "A lot of kids will complain and refuse when you ask them to help out a bit or do more than what is minimally required. Isaiah isn't that guy, he jumps in, helps out, and does the hard work. I appreciate him and his can-do mentality very much."
Ms. Coen nominated Brianna Mullenax and said "Brianna has a fun and caring spirit. She has been actively involved in culinary and FCCLA projects all year and always brings lots of energy."
February 23
Ms. Kuntz nominated Kay Taylor and said "Kay looks out for her peers in my class and can be a fun attribute as we work through lessons. She helps keep things fun."
Ms. Allis nominated Mel Long and said "Mel has been making strides. She is approaching each day as a new day. She is kind and wants to help others."

February 14

Ms. Caro nominated Jesse Brown and said "Jesse has been working hard lately to make sure that he not only has his grades in a good place, but that he has a strong understanding of the expectations for each assignment. Beyond that, whenever we have had group work lately, he has been a leader within his group and has put in a lot of effort to help his group mates provide thoughtful answers to questions and group tasks. Jesse has even been checking in with me during Cyclone Hour of his own accord to make sure that he's caught up or that he knows what he needs to work on. He's really improving and I'm very proud of his progress."
Ms. Waymire nominated Maggie Howard and said "Maggie always has the best attitude. She comes eager to learn and work in the preschool. She had created wonderful bonds with the preschool students. Maggie will also go around the room and pick up little things to help make the school beautiful. Maggie is also an engaged high school classmate and reaches out to help other students succeed."
February 7
Ms. Clipsham nominated Jaymes Schmoe and said "Jaymes has really worked hard this semester. I have seen such a great improvement in his attitude and his work ethic in my class and I am super proud of him."
Ms. Kuntz nominated Legacy Sheldon and said "Legacy cares greatly for her peers and works hard. She is determined and doesn't give up when things get hard."

January 31

Ms. Coen nominated Braedyn Schulte and said "Braedyn is doing his internship in my classroom and has been working hard creating all kinds of culinary products. He always comes in ready to do some cooking and has been a very important "employee" for our Culinary Business."
Ms. Kane nominated Kearston Clausen and said "Kearston is my aide, but she always goes above and beyond. She is the first to greet me the hour she's in my classroom and is always polite and has a smile. She does the same to my para in the room. Even when things get hard, she always has something positive to say and a smile on her face. She looks for ways to help and will do things without even being asked, all while also completing her own class work in a timely manner and with excellence. She stands up for what's right in all circumstances, and she often donates her own time after school to help out myself or Mrs. Caro with anything she can. I am grateful for her example to other students and her commitment to our Cyclone family!"
January 24
Mr. Tkaczyk nominated Paige Hiracheta. Mr. Tkaczyk writes, "Paige is a great helper and a great student. She works hard. I appreciate her effort and can-do spirit."
Ms. Tabitha Allis nominated Ryan Green. Ms. Allis said, "Ryan has continued to stand strong in his morals and grit. He is a great example of OHS. Presented with a tough decision between right and wrong, Ryan did not give in to the negative peer pressure. Ryan works very hard in each and every class he is in."

January 17

Mr. Tkaczyk nominated Sam Clevenger and said "Sam always has a great attitude and puts forth his best effort on assignments."
Ms. Johnson nominated Mia LaMar and said "She learned her role as office aide unbelievably quick. She is SO helpful! She's willing to go above & beyond to help Carol and I in the morning when things are crazy."
January 10
Ms. Black nominated Nevaeh Watson and said "She is an incredibly hard worker and when she gets done with her work, she will help others especially when they are struggling. She has had many opportunities to make bad choices this year and has removed herself from those situations. I am so proud of her!!"
Mr. Tkaczyk nominated Colton Ray and said "Colton shows strong interest in the topics we cover and shares his interests and knowledge to help his peers, making him a valuable member of the class."

December 13

Ms. Caro nominated Nevaeh Devin and said "Neveah has not turned in a single assignment late this semester, and neither has she had any missing work. I am proud of her for working so hard. Not only that but recently students were asked to write a spooky story for class, and hers was really powerful. It gave me chills with it's unexpected plot twist right at the end. Nevaeh is a hard worker, kind, and a dedicated student. I am very proud of her!"
Ms. Harness nominated Alejandro Lopez and said "Alex enjoys helping others with math. and he does a great job of explaining the steps so that others can understand! I can always depend on him to help if I am busy with another student."
December 6
Mr. Boeh nominated Xander Todd and said "Xander stops by my office(EVERYDAY), not every other day, and checks on me and wishes me a great day. He's a great kid!!!"
Ms. Kemp nominated Wyatt Mendell and said "Wyatt diligently works on the OHS website during class each day. He is willing to do small updates as needed and is currently working on two large projects (Pathways and Student Life) that will be premiering soon for all to see."

November 29

Ms. Whittaker nominated Brodi Mesik and said "Brodi is always one of the first students to stop and help clean up after others during Cyclone Hour. He never hesitates to help take down chairs or tables after an event. His leadership is greatly appreciated!"
Ms. Caro nominated Ashlynn Crawford and said "Lemon helped at the OMS Craft Fair on Saturday for Writing Club's bake & craft sale fundraiser, and she absolutely rocked it! She not only made a TON of sales, but she also spoke with community members and other visitors and gave a lovely little speech each time about the goal we have of going to teen writer conferences and what that experience would provide for students. She was high energy all day and set a wonderful example for her peers. I am thoroughly impressed with her dedication and enthusiasm for Writing Club and OHS."
November 15

Ms. Waymire nominated Gracie Needham and said "Gracie has been phenomenal working in the preschool! It has been so exciting to watch her grow with the preschoolers!"
Ms. Waymire ALSO nominated Baron Hernandez-Garcia and said "Baron is the entire classes' personal hype man. He constantly is giving feedback to me as the teacher to show me he is engaged in the learning process. He also says the sweetest things to other kids."
November 8
Mr. Vigna nominated Kole Spigle and said "Kole has excelled in College US History this year so far. He prepares himself for each class by reaching the expectations set for the class. Students look to him for assistance when they have questions about the content we are covering in class because they know he has completed the readings for the week. Kole has earned the respect of his classmates by meeting the expectations of the college class. Kole's work ethic has enabled him to achieve highly satisfactory grades in College US History. Kole is an excellent example for all students at OHS to follow to achieve the goals they have set for themselves."
Ms. Coen nominated Danya Mitchell and said "Danya has been an instrumental student in our FCCLA organization. She has been here to help with all activities and events we have taken on and has shown positive attitudes and determination to do a good job at whatever she is doing."

November 1

Mr. Tkaczyk nominated Kaveon Rahman and said "Kaveon is a great asset to my classes and is always happy to help his classmates find success. I tell him that he would make a great teacher, he has great patience and maintains a positive attitude in his work."
Mr. Stinebaugh nominated Lexi Jones and said "Lexi is the best person to be around in the morning if you are not in a good mood. Her laughter is infectious and will always make you smile. I can always count on Lexi to laugh and make a heavy situation lighter. I appreciate this quality about her!!!"
October 25
Mrs. Harness nominated Channing Haas, Sophomore. Mrs. Harness says, "I appreciate Channing's great attitude in class each day, and willingness to help others understand. Channing is consistent each day, dependable, and a great student!"
Mr. Tkaczyk nominated Aldan Michel, Junior. Mr. Tkaczyk says, "Aldan has taken on a rather large project and has demonstrated a great amount of enthusiasm and attention to detail in his work, while working with others and seeking out the help and resources he needs to find success as he progresses. A great working example for his peers."

October 18

Miss Clipsham & Mr. Cozine nominated Jamie Winslow. Clipsham said, "Jamie did a little bit over everything for this weeks debate tournament. He helped out in the hospitality room, cleaned up after others, worked in the concessions stand, and asked any questions that visiting school had while visiting our school. He did not leave until everything was put back together at our school." Mr. Cozine said, "Jamie is enthusiastic for learning". Congrats Jamie!
Mrs. Waymire nominated Paige Atchley. Mrs. Waymire said, "Paige is currently an internship student for me during preschool. She shows an unprecedented level of leadership to the younger teachers and is constantly working to connect with the preschool students." Congrats Paige!
October 11
Senior Dariana Rivera was nominated by Mr. Tkaczyk. Mr. Tkaczyk says, "Dariana experienced some issues in getting started with a course unit. She preserved, and aced the unit, not only catching back up with the class but passing the class and completing the work early."
Sophomore Colton Harlan was nominated by Mrs. Harness. Mrs. Harness says, "Colton comes in each day with a cheerful greeting, and is helpful all hour. Always willing to help others, pass out class materials, or other tasks. I appreciate his great attitude!"

October 4

Ms. Lilley nominated Chloe Schulz and said "Chloe is always willing to help others in need. Has a great attitude in all her projects, and perseveres no matter how difficult the project."
Mr. Boeh nominated Kaiden Knapp and said "Kaiden works to the best of his abilities. I love how he attempts to try things that may not be easy to him. His attitude is so positive."
September 27
Mr. Tkaczyk nominated Ryan Reynolds and said "Ryan works hard, asks questions, and uses his class time wisely. He also demonstrates a positive attitude, and is a joy in class."
Mr. Lancaster nominated Brooklyn Soman and said "Brooklyn goes out of her way to invite other students to eat lunch with her and her friends. It's refreshing to see somebody helping to build community at OHS."

September 20

Ms. Kemp nominated Devon Martin and said "Devon's helpfulness towards other students is top notch! She completes her work during class and then is willing to use the skills she learned to assist others that sit near her. In addition, during spirit week she dressed up every day. Such a great leader from the Class of 2025!"
Ms. Stinebaugh nominated Havok Kiser and said "Havok is a one-of-a-kind student! He knows who he is and is willing to help others figure out who they are with extreme amounts of compassion. I am envious of him for having this talent so early in his life! All students of OHS are lucky to have him as a classmate, friend, and example to follow."
September 13
Mr. Tkaczyk nominated Tristan Uht and said "Tristan is the first to class every day, works hard during his time in the room, and demonstrates a strong desire to learn all that he can about the topics of the course."
Ms. Stinebaugh nominated Holden Seymour and said "Holden is early to class every morning and always says "Hi" or "Good Morning". Afterwards, he helps take down all the chairs so the room is ready for his classmates when they arrive. He also is an active student during class, never complains, and is happy to help others."

September 6

Mr. Lasley nominated Kate Ferguson and said "Kate stepped in for our National Nursery team when another team member couldn't make it. She put in tons of extra time in a short period to get ready."
Ms. Kuntz nominated Dakota Brannan and said "Dakota not only works hard in my class, but is excelling in his work study and is showing great character in how he is always positive and kind."
August 30
Ms. Black nominated Caden Harbison and said "Caden comes to 1st hour early and takes down the chairs from each desk and chats with me. He is kind & respectful to everyone around him. I am super impressed with his character so far this school year."
Mr. Butler nominated Abigail Bird and said "Great leader, wanting to raise the bar, and a great drum major in the band program here at OHS. She always has a great attitude & is always willing to help! She describes a great attitude that should be exhibited by all OHS students."