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over 2 years ago, Carmen Schaefer
Please see attached flyers for information about Pre-Enrollment for next year's Kindergarten.
over 2 years ago, Carmen Schaefer
Kindergarten 2022-2023 Pre-enrollment
Kindergarten Pre-Enrollment Evening
USD290 Kindergarten PreEnrollment
over 2 years ago, Carmen Schaefer
Kindergarten 2022-2023 Pre-enrollment
Garfield Newsletter
about 3 years ago, Carmen Schaefer
December Newsletter:
almost 4 years ago, Carmen Schaefer
The United Way of Franklin County will be partnering with several organizations to provide our students grab-n-go lunches on Friday, April 10th & Friday, April 17th. These are both scheduled days off school. Lunch pick-up will be at the same time & schools where kids are currently picking up lunches. They will not have rural delivery, but will have those free lunches available for the rural students at Sunflower Elementary School. We are appreciative to have a community that cares and is stepping up to provide these services on both Friday, April 10th & Friday, April 17th.
over 4 years ago, Carmen Schaefer
PICK UP TIME CORRECTION: Our family letter has incorrect times! The times will remain the same as last week. MONDAYS ONLY: 8:45 - 9:45, 11:30 - 12:30, and 3-4. We no longer have TUESDAY pick up. Please share. We apologize, and thank you for understanding.
over 4 years ago, Carmen Schaefer
Garfield Family Letter #3 w/ article
over 4 years ago, Carmen Schaefer
GF family letter 3
GF family letter 3 article pg. 1
GF family letter 3 article pg. 2
Braves hard at work!
over 4 years ago, Carmen Schaefer
working hard
Garfield Braves - Getting BACK TO SCHOOL! So proud of your hard work! Stay Brave!
over 4 years ago, Carmen Schaefer
GOOD MORNING BRAVES, today is Monday, March 30th - and Welcome Back to School. Today is Back to School (the home version). Show your school pride and wear your Garfield Brave colors while you work today. We would love to receive pics of you working in your Black and Gold. Send pictures to your teachers, or to Mrs. Schaefer at We would love to share them with the rest of the Brave Family. Be on the look out for our next challenge - hint: I Pledge to you, it will be awesome! Miss you all, and STAY BRAVE!
over 4 years ago, Carmen Schaefer
HELLO Braves!! Instructional Packets will be handed out 3/30 and 3/31. UNLESS YOUR CLASSROOM TEACHER HAS ALREADY GIVEN THEM TO YOU FOR THIS WEEK. You can pick them up on the blacktop area - enter through the south side - at 8:45-9:45 am, 11:30-12:30 pm, or 3-4 pm.
over 4 years ago, Carmen Schaefer
Pick up
Garfield Parent Letter #2 (pickup procedures)
over 4 years ago, Carmen Schaefer
PIckup Procedures
PIckup Procedures 2
Garfield Letter to Families
over 4 years ago, Carmen Schaefer
Garfield Letter to Families
Picture Day Is Tomorrow
over 4 years ago, Donna Diamond
Picture Day
Garfield Newsletter
over 4 years ago, Carmen Schaefer
Foster Care
over 4 years ago, Donna Diamond
Foster Care
over 4 years ago, Donna Diamond
Job Olympics Food Drive
over 4 years ago, Carmen Schaefer
Food Drive
Dr. Seuss
over 4 years ago, Donna Diamond
Dr. Seuss