Employee Resources » Teacher Licensure
Licensure Information
A.Teacher License Renewal Application (pdf)
B.KSDE Website Link--www.ksde.org
Substitute Information
Any person who has held an emergency substitute license since the 1999-2000 school year should use the online applications process to obtain an emergency substitute license for the 2007-08 school year. www.ksde.org Choose "Educators" and then "Licensure". There is an "Applications" link under licensure information in the orange section along the right hand side of the page. On the applications page, choose the link to Form 8 - Renewal of Emergency Substitute license. Step-by-step instructions for completing the online application process are provided.
The process of applying for the INITIAL emergency substitute license remains the same. A paper application form can be downloaded and printed from the KSDE website, following the same links. Fingerprint card, official transcripts and the application form and fee are required for an initial emergency substitute license. The updated form for the 2007-08 school year is now available.